Each student should have a chosen course in their profile(in some universities you may call this a programme or a major). This course can be used by you as an admin to target content to certain courses, to review statistics linked to individual courses and also by employers to target in their recruitment.
The courses available to a student come from a courses list, which you are now able to manage from your back office. This article explains how to use this module:
The feature is available if you are a Super Administrator:
Your Interface
Course name
The Course name is how the course will be presented throughout the platform:
- To target event or vacancies
- Within the user’s profile
The course code is the unique identifier. It is not shown anywhere on the platform and is for internal purposes only. Warning: If your courses are updated through SSO and there is a mapping or if you don't know which is your situation, please contact us at support.careercenter@jobteaser.com before editing or deleting the courses.
Visible to recruiters
If you choose “Yes” it means that the course will be visible to your private recruiters when they create a vacancy, so they can target it to that specific course.
Warning: Only users belonging to that course will then be able to apply to the vacancy. Other users won’t be able to apply.
Alumni Programme
if you choose “Yes” it means that a user belonging to this course will be considered as an alumni: this restricts access to modules in Front Office (Public events will no longer be visible)
This also gives you the option to target specific private content to students and / or alumni (eg. Events and Appointments)
You can also differentiate your weekly newsletter editorial to send a different version to students and alumni.
Other translations
Adding the translation of a course is not mandatory. You can check which translations have already been added by checking the “Other translations” tab.
For example:
- Course BBA only exists in English.
- Course BBA 2 is available in English, Dutch and Spanish.
Individual Course Management
To create one course, you have to click on “+ Create a course “ on the top right.
You will then be able to create a course, add a translation if required and choose any specificities.
Only the translation in the main language of your Career Center is mandatory, every other translation is optional.
To edit a course, select it from the list and click on “Edit”.
To delete a course, select it from the list and click on “Delete”.
Be careful, when you delete a course, all users associated will lose their course and the action cannot be undone. It is recommended:
- to inform your students of the changes made, so that they go to their profile to update their course;
- or to bulk import a students' course directly in the platform. Find out how to do this in this article.
Bulk Course Management
This feature allows you to quickly add and/or edit a course list, making it possible for you to always have an up-to-date list. You do this by clicking on the “import ” button, as shown in the image below.
You can use this template to import a list of courses.
How does the import feature work?
Here is a video that explains how to use the template to import your course list. Below the video you will find more information about how exactly this import works.
File type
The authorized files are .xls (Microsoft Excel 2003) or .xlsx (Microsoft Excel 2007)
Available Columns
Several columns can be added to the file: code, is_for_alumni, is_visible_for_recruiters, and many additional columns for each language authorized on the Career Center, using the code language (including: en, fr, de, es, ca, it, nl, pl, pt, gl, cs, fi). For unauthorized languages, you can leave columns empty.
- The order of the columns is not important, but the headers are case sensitive and must have the correct title (i.e. there are no possible changes or translations). Except for the ‘code’ column, all columns are optional, which means they can be left empty.
- The code column is mandatory and a value for each line must be provided! The course code is important and will be used as a reference for each course during the import. The format of the code cannot be only numeric, it must contain at least one letter. Also, at least one course translation must be provided among the authorized languages.
- There is no specific requirement for the code format, but we strongly suggest providing codes in lowercase, without accents, underscores, spaces or apostrophes.
- For the is_for_alumni and is_visible_for_recruiters columns, the accepted values are true or false. By default, the value is false.
There are slightly different rules depending on whether you wish to create, edit, or delete a course:
For each course, if the code does not exist in the list of courses in the Career Center, a new course will be created
If the course code already exists in the list of courses, then it will be updated with the new values that you have edited.
No course deletion can be done via import. You must delete courses via the interface.
You can delete in bulk by selecting all the courses you want to delete at once.
Automatic synchronization through SSO
If you are using SSO, you can include the student's course during the login process to automatically fill their profile with the right course. However, to do so, you must first define the courses code you will be sending us in the course settings:
You can send multiple codes for the same course.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at support.careercenter@jobteaser.com