There are two methods to organize your online Career Fair:
- Method 1: Keep all event management on the school side (you don't have to rely on participating companies to set up their events on time): this solution is explained in detail in this article.
- Method 2: Involve companies in the organization (choose this option if you're sure of the responsiveness of your participating companies).
In this article, we'll explain how to proceed when you give companies the freedom to configure their own sub-events and add their own information (Method 2).
- An event can only involve one company. To bring together several companies for a recruitment session, you will need to create several events.
- The event can be created by the company or by the school.
- The videoconferencing tool used for the exchange is that of the company (Skype, Zoom, Teams...) or the school. The access link to each session will be visible to registered students directly on the event page.
Before the beginning of the event (example) :
On the day of the beginning of the event (example) :
1) Creating company pages for recruiters who do not have one on your Career Center
- Create a company page if it does not exist or if your point of contact does not have administrative access to their existing JobTeaser company page (in this case, you should select “No company profile” in the Account type section, so that you don’t create a duplicate)
- Give your point of contact administrative access: this will allow them to have access to the company Back Office (Events, Jobs and Talent Bank modules). In the settings of the recruitment session event, they can
- Edit the event when it is created
- Track the number of registrations to the event
- See the CVs of registered students in the event’s unique talent bank
2) Create a sub-event for each company
Step 1: Complete the information for your event
- Organiser - Company: Use autocomplete to select the desired company
Step 2: Configure the registration
- Registration type: Register via JobTeaser
- Do not tick the box "attendance required", because it will take into account all the slots in the sub-event, not just the slot chosen by the student
- Tick the box “Manually validate users registered for the event?”
- This generates a registration of a student 3 times:
- 1. Registration to the event
- 2. The student is kept registered by the company
- 3. If the student is kept, the student chooses a time to speak with the company
- Tick the box “Required CV”
- This is necessary to be able to create a talent back linked to the event
- Select “Yes” on “Offer several registration slots for the user?”
- Input 1 for “Maximum number of slots that can be selected by user”
- Fill out the date and time fields for each slot
- It is the company’s responsibility to add a video-conferencing link in the title of each slot
- Input 1 (or the number of participants you wish to set) for “Number of spots available for this slot”
- Do this for each slot
Step 3: Target the audience for your event
- Target your event how you see fit
Then click “Create an event”
Event status: Inactive. All company specific sub-events should be inactive.
Once the first sub-event is created, you can duplicate it by clicking Actions > Duplicate the event.
You just have to change the name of the organiser and the event title.
3) Add jobs (optional)
Once an event is created, you can create Job ads for this event.
- Your Key Account Manager can create a special tag “Online careers fair” that you can add to the job vacancies related to this event
- Applications: “On an external website” → copy the front office link for the company specific event
4) Add job ads in the event description (optional)
- “Preview” each job ad and then copy the link
- Go to the description of each event and paste the relevant job ad link
5) Communicating this procedure to your companies
The company-specific event is available from the Back Office.
The only change they have to make is to add a video-conferencing link for each slot:
- Click on each event, then “Actions” > “Edit event”
- Add a video-conferencing link to the description of each registration slot
- Click “Update event”
As students register to the event, both you and the recruiters will have access to the list of registrants and you will both receive their CVs in a dedicated event Talent Bank.
6) Creating an introductory or main event
You need to create a “main” event that links to each of these company-specific events you have created.
Step 1: Complete the information for your event
- Organiser: University
- Description: Link to all of the company-specific events you have created (Go to the event > Actions > Preview the event > Copy the link)
Step 2: Configure the registration
- Event without registration
Step 3: Target the audience for your event
- Target the event as you see fit
Then, click “Create an event”
Status of the event: Active
You can activate the event whenever you choose to, this is the only event you will activate.