The Back Office Jobs module allows you to manage the jobs of your Career Center :
Via this module, you can in particular :
- accept / reject / archive a private job submitted by a recruiter
- create / edit private jobs
- tag private and public jobs
Organisation of the module
(1) Filters:
The filters will allow you to filter all your offers. By default, you can filter by keywords, contract type and company.
By clicking on you will be able to access additional filters :
Job start date, function, location, experience level, courses/programmes, contract duration, job source, language, tag, sector.
Start Date allows you to easily find jobs according to the start date of the contract. Jobs that are available as soon as possible are classified between those with a start date in the past and those with a start date in the future.
Courses makes it easy to find jobs targeted at one or more specific populations of students.
Source makes it easy to find jobs according to their distribution channel on your Career Center:
- Company for a jobs submitted by a private company
- Manual for an offer filed by a Career Center director
- School job poster for an offer submitted via one of your private forms
- External robot for an offer submitted by a multi-diffuser (e.g. Multiposting)
Assignee allows you to easily find the offers created by a specific administrator or whose management has been entrusted to him/her
Tag makes it easy to find offers according to a specific criteria determined by you (ask your JobTeaser contact).
You also have the option to display only :
- Jobs published by your Alumni
- International jobs
- Your partners' jobs
- JobTeaser network jobs (public)
(2) Sorting options
By clicking on you can decide the order in which the jobs are displayed on your Back Office according to :
- The date of creation (oldest or newest)
- The start date (oldest or newest)
- The date of archiving (oldest or newest)
(3) Classification of jobs
The offers are classified among 4 main categories:
- Pending: all the private jobs awaiting validation by you.
- Refused: all private jobs that have been refused
- Published: all private jobs currently online at your Career Center
- Archived: a job is never deleted: it is archived. Archived jobs will be displayed in the "Archived" tab.
(4) Manually adding a job
By clicking on You can access the job submission form, allowing you to post an advertisement for your students yourself.
(5) Exporting data
By clicking on you will be able to access the consolidated export of the different jobs and their filters.
Actions on the jobs
As you can see in the screenshot above, each job will have different colour tags which represent different key parts of information about the job:
- Purple: Who posted the job? Was it posted by a company admin or ‘Manually’ by one of the University administrators
- Light Blue: The person who the job has been assigned to from your admin team
- Light Green: Whether the job was posted by a partner or not
- Yellow: If the job was posted by an alumni or current student
- Dark Pink: If the job has been targeted towards certain courses
- Light Pink: These are the personalised tags your university has in place
Clicking on gives you the possibility to access in one click many actions for the relevant job:
Assign: Then simply select the name of the person to whom you wish to assign the job and click on "Assign job".
Please note: this does not generate an email notification to the person to whom the offer has been assigned.
Assigning a job is useful when a job needs to be validated by a third party before being published (e.g. a teacher). It can also be useful to indicate who has validated the job, without affecting users or recruiters (this option can be useful if several administrators validate jobs).
When a job is assigned, a tag appears below the job title with the name of the administrator. You can also find this information in the CSV export in the "Verified by" column.
Please note that when you create a job manually, the job is by default assigned to you.
Tag: Add an additional tag to identify them. These tags are defined prior to the launch of the Career Center, and can be modified at any time.
Duplicate: allows you to create a new job while keeping the formatting of an existing job to save time.
Preview: view directly to the job offer in the front office
But also: Modify, Reject, Archive the job
Attention: On the public jobs in the JobTeaser network, the " tag " option is the only one available!
The button allows you to view your students' JobTeaser applications for the relevant job vacancy.
Sometimes you will see next to the offer the words "Assign" instead of " Applicants". This is the case when the application is made via an external website and therefore you do not have access to applications on the Career Center.
You can also multi-select jobs where the following actions are available. Clicking on the select all button on the left will select the jobs on the current page, and not all jobs: