What is the study-level referential?
The study level referential is the list of study-levels and diplomas that fit into each level by country where we have a significant footprint in Europe.
This referential has 2 levels of granularity:
- A macro level of study levels that is used by companies and universities and that is common to all geographies
- By companies: as a way for recruiters to target job ads to specific student populations
- By universities : as a way to select only the job ads that are relevant for your students (e.g., to block vocational apprenticeship job ads if not relevant for your students). If a study level is not set up for your Career Center, your students won’t see any job ad categorized on this level. It is a HARD filter not visible by students, nor companies.
- A micro level of diplomas that is used by students to specify the degree they are preparing and collected in the student profile during the onboarding. This micro level list differs from a country to another and there is no cross-geography correlation between elements of the micro list.
Why is it important to have a study-level referential?
The study level referential is important because the structure of the higher education system is different per country, and having a good referential helps both universities and students to feel that product is relevant / adapted to the local specificities of the market.
Where is the study-level referential used?
The macro-level is used in:
- all the different job posting flows to qualify the targeted study level for a job ad → Multi-select up to 2 maximum, meaning that for a given job ad, a recruiter can select one or two different study-level in the macro list.
- JobTeaser clients' back office
- Universities' job posting flows : private recruiters/companyies and for you, as a Career Center administrator
- as a specific configuration to fit with the University's needs. This needs to be set up by JobTeaser, so don't hesitate to reach out to your main contact if any change is needed. This will let through in the Career Center job ads that fit the selected levels.
💡 The accepted study levels of a University determine the visibility of the job ads in the Front Office. With the introduction of dual-selection in March 2024, the condition for a job ad to be posted in a Career Center is that the lowest study-level mentioned in the job ads has to be accepted by the University. There are two possible case:
- in the job search for students to filter the jobs: Students can select as many study-levels as they want in the search filters as long as these have been set up for the University (multi-select)
- indirectly in the student profile, as the macro-level selected for the University restricts what can be selected by a student (Single select).
The micro-level is used in:
- The student's onboarding flow. NB: If at least one micro level is checked, the macro level (parent) is considered as accepted for job ads.
- IMPORTANT: The micro-level doesn’t impact the job ads visibility. Job ads remain on a MACRO level. Why? Because we can’t go into that micro detail with the recruiters and we want to maximize the visibility of the job ad.
- The student profile: the information is collected during the onboarding flow (Single select)
Full study-level referential (macro and micro list)
🇫🇷 in frenchfr |
🏴 in englishen |
Belgium (Wallonie) |
Belgium (Flanders translation) |
Denmarkdk |
Germanyde |
Italyit |
Netherlandsnl |
Polandpl |
Portugalpt |
Spaines |
Swedensv |
Pas de niveau prérequis | No prequisite level | Pas de niveau prérequis | Geen voorkennis vereist | Intet påkrævet uddannelsesniveau | Kein Abschluss vorausgesetzt | Nessun livello richiesto | Geen voorkennis vereist | Brak wymaganego poziomu | Sem nível prévio exigido | Sin nivel requerido | Inget förkunskapskrav |
Bac, Bac Pro, CAP, BEP | Secondary education, High school level | Enseignement secondaire, niveau lycée | Secundair onderwijs / Middelbare school | Sekundær uddannelse, gymnasialt niveau | Schulabschluss | Istruzione secondaria, livello scuola superiore | Voortgezet onderwijs / Middelbare school | edukacja na poziomie szkoły średniej | Educação secundária, nível de ensino secundário | Educación secundaria, nivel de instituto | Gymnasieutbildning |
Bac+2 | Vocational, Under-bachelor, Short-cycle higher education level | Formation professionnelle, Niveau d'enseignement supérieur de cycle court | Hoger beroepsonderwijs | Erhvervsakademiuddannelse | Berufliche Hochschulausbildung, Allgemeine Hochschulreife | Formazione professionale, Livello di istruzione superiore a ciclo breve | Hoger beroepsonderwijs | edukacja na poziomie szkoły zawodowej, szkoły pomaturalnej, studium | Vocacional, Nível de ensino superior de curta duração | Formación Profesional Grado Superior o equivalente | Yrkes- och högskoleexamen |
Bac+3, Bachelor | Bachelor level or equivalent | Niveau bachelier ou équivalen | Bachelor-niveau of gelijkwaardig | Bachelorniveau eller tilsvarende | Bachelor-Niveau oder äquivalent | Laurea triennale o equivalente | Bachelor-niveau of gelijkwaardig | poziom licencjacki lub równoważny |
Nível de licenciatura ou equivalente | Nivel de grado o equivalente | Kandidatexamen eller motsvarande |
Master, MSc ou Programme Grande Ecole | Master level or equivalent | Niveau master ou équivalent | Master-niveau of gelijkwaardig | Kandidatniveau eller tilsvarende | Master-Niveau oder äquivalent | Laurea magistrale o equivalente | Master-niveau of gelijkwaardig | poziom magisterski lub równoważny |
Nível de mestrado ou equivalente | Nivel de máster o equivalente | Masterexamen eller motsvarande |
Doctorat | Doctorate, Phd level or equivalent | Doctorat ou équivalent | Doctoraat/PhD | Doktorgrad, ph.d. eller tilsvarende | Promotion | Dottorato di ricerca, livello PhD o equivalente | Doctoraat/PhD | stopień doktora lub równoważny |
Doutoramento, nível de doutorado ou equivalente | Doctorado, nivel de doctorado o equivalente | Doktorsexamen, PhD eller motsvarande |
France (French translation) |
Belgium (Wallonie system) |
Belgium (Flanders system) |
Denmark (DK translation) |
Denmark (English translation) |
Germany |
Italy |
Netherlands (NL translation) | Poland |
Portugal |
Spain (Spanish translation) |
Sweden (Swedish translation) |
Sweden (English translation) |
UK |
- Bac - BEP |
- ASO (enseignement général) - TSO (e nseignement secondaire technique) - BSO (enseignement professionnel) - KSO (enseignement artistique) |
- ASO (algemeen onderwijs) - TSO (technisch onderwijs) - BSO (beroepsonderwijs) - KSO (kunstonderwijs) |
- Erhvervsuddannelse/eux - Gymnasialuddannelse |
- Vocational education & training - General upper secondary education |
- Abitur - Fachabitur -Realschulabschluss - Hauptschulabschluss |
- Diploma di liceo (artistico, classico, delle scienze umane linguistico, musicale e coreutico, scientifico) - Diploma di istituto tecnico - Diploma di istituto professionale |
- Mbo - Vmbo - Vwo - Havo |
- Świadectwo dojrzałości / matura, dyplom szkoły policealnej |
- Ensino secundário - Qualificação profissional |
- Bachillerato - Formación profesional grado medio |
- Högskoleförberedande gymnasieexamen - Yrkesförberedande gymnasieexamen (vocational) |
- Higher education preparatory diploma - Vocational education |
- A-level / General certificate of education - Level 3 / National extended diploma |
- Secondary education, High school level |
- BTS | - Associate degree | - Graduaatsopleiding / Associate degree | - Erhvervsakademiuddannelse | - Professional academy degree | - Ausbildung | - Istruzione e formazione tecnica superiore (IFTS) - Istituti tecnologici superiori (ITS Academy) |
- Associate degree | - Dyplom szkoły średniej (tertiary vocational studies) |
- Técnico superior profissional | - Formación profesional grado superior | - Högskoleexamen - Konstnärlig högskoleexamen - Yrkeshögskoleexamen (vocational) - Kvalificerad yrkeshögskoleexamen (vocational) |
- Higher education diploma - Higher education diploma of Fine Art - Higher vocational education diploma - Advanced higher vocational education diploma |
- Foundation degrees - Higher national diploma |
- Under-bachelor, Vocational, Short-cycle higher education level |
- Licence universitaire - Licence pro - BUT - Bachelor d’école de commerce - Bachelor d’école d’ingénieur |
- Bachelier / Bachelor - Licence professionnelle |
- Academische bachelor - Professionele bachelor |
- Bachelor - Professionsbachelor - Diplomingenjør |
- Bachelor - Professional bachelor - Bachelor of engineering |
- Bachelor - Staatsexamen I |
- Laurea triennale |
- Universitaire bachelor / WO bachelor - Professionele bachelor / HBO bachelor |
- Licencjat (Licentiate) - Inżynier (Engineer) |
- Licenciatura Ensino Politécnico - Licenciatura Ensino Universitário |
- Grado | - Kandidatexamen - Konstnärlig kandidatexamen - Yrkesexamina |
- Bachelor - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Professional qualifications |
- Bachelor's degree - Degree apprenticeship - Graduate certificate / D iploma |
- Bachelor level or equivalent |
- Master - Master spécialisé - Programme Grande École |
- Master - Master spécialisé |
- Master | - Kandidat - Erhvervskandidat |
- Master - Industry master |
- Master - Staatsexamen II |
- Laurea magistrale - Laurea a ciclo unico - Master universitario I livello |
- Universitaire master / WO master - Professionele master / HBO master |
- Magister (Master) - Magister inżynier (Master of e ngineering) |
- Mestrado Ensino Politécnico - Mestrado Ensino Universitário - Mestrado Integrado Ensino Universitário |
- Posgrado | - Magisterexamen - Konstnärlig magisterexamen - Masterexamen - Konstnärlig masterexamen |
- Master (60 credits) - Master of Fine Arts (60 credits) - Master (120 credits) - Master of Fine Arts (120 credits) |
- Master’s degree - MSc / MA / MRes - Postgraduate certificate / D iploma |
- Master level or equivalent |
- Doctorat - Post-doctorat |
- Doctorat | - Doctoraat | - PhD | - PhD | - Promotion - Post-doc - Habilitation |
- Dottorato di ricerca - PhD - Master u niversitario II livello |
- PhD - Professional doctorate |
- Doktor (PhD) - Doktor habilitowany |
- Doutoramento | - Doctorado | - Licentiatexamen - Konstnärlig licentiatexamen - Doktorsexamen - Konstnärlig doktorsexamen |
- Licentiate (Licentiatexamen) - Licentiate (Konstnärlig licentiatexamen) - Doctorate (Doktorsexamen) - Doctorate (Konstnärlig doktorsexamen) |
- PhD | - Doctorate level or equivalent |
The School Year referential
What is the school_year referential?
- A student
school year
is the year in which the student is in its curriculum. This data point is compulsory to enter, accessible and modifiable in the student profile, and re-asked to students every 6 months and / or after the beginning of each new academic year. - The
school year
is collected through the student onboarding and can be edited in the student profile page. - Given that currently we don’t support double-diploma for students, a student can only have one
school year
registered in its profile
Why is the school_year referential?
- From a university point of view, we believe that having this data will also be valuable for admins to target content and communication. A indication of this need is that many universities have find workarounds using the courses feature and have created courses segments with school year elements, for instance “Master in Management - 1st year”
- From an internal point of view, knowing the school year has become important this year in the context of the construction of the TRM and TalentConnect solution. The school year of a student is one of the first question a recruiter ask to a student at an event. It is one of the top 3 information that all recruiters want on a student when engaging a discussion with a him / her
- From a recruiter point of view, the school year is important to allow to easily redirect students to specific positions suited for them, for instance a last year student towards a junior full time position or a “stage de fin d’étude”
- In the future, having this data will be very useful to customize CRM flows, improve our targeting, etc.
Where is the school_year referential used?
- The school year can be collected in two pages: the onboarding modal an the student profile
- The school year will be accessible as a filter in the talent database
Full school_year referential
France 🇫🇷
Geography | Macro-list of study levels | Micro-list of study levels | School year in France (French) |
School year in France (English) |
France | Secondary education level | CAP | 1ère année 2ème année 3ème année |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
France | Secondary education level | Bac | Seconde Première Terminale |
Seconde Première Terminale |
France | Secondary education level | Bac pro | Seconde Première Terminale |
Seconde Première Terminale |
France | Under-bachelor level | BTS | 1ère année 2ème année Césure |
1st year 2nd year Gap year |
France | Bachelor level | Licence | L1 L2 L3 Césure |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year Gap year |
France | Bachelor level | Licence pro | Licence pro | Licence pro |
France | Bachelor level | BUT | 1ère année 2ème année 3ème année Césure |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year Gap year |
France | Bachelor level | Bachelor d'école de commerce | 1ère année 2ème année 3ème année 4ème année Césure |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year Gap year |
France | Master level | Master | Master 1 Master 2 Césure |
1st year 2nd year Gap year |
France | Master level | Master spécialisé | Master spécialisé | Specialized master |
France | Master level | Programme Grande École / Diplôme d’ingénieur | Prépa intégrée - 1ère année Prépa intégrée - 2ème année PGE / Ingé - 1ère année PGE / Ingé - 2ème année PGE / Ingé - 3ème année Césure |
Prépa intégrée - 1st year Prépa intégrée - 2nd year PGE / Ingé - 1st year PGE / Ingé - 2nd year PGE / Ingé - 3rd year Gap year |
France | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Doctorat | 1ère année 2ème année 3ème année |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
UK 🇬🇧
Geography | Macro-list of study levels | Micro-list of study levels | School year in the UK (English) |
UK | Secondary education level | A-level / General certificate of education | Lower Sixth (Year 12) Upper Sixth (Year 13) |
UK | Secondary education level | Level 3 / National extended diploma | Year 12 Year 13 |
UK | Under-bachelor level | Foundation degrees |
1st year 2nd year |
UK | Under-bachelor level | Higher national diploma | 1st year 2nd year |
UK | Bachelor level | Bachelor's degree | 1st year or equivalent 2nd year or equivalent 3rd year or equivalent 4th year or equivalent Gap year |
UK | Bachelor level | Degree apprenticeship | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year Gap year |
UK | Bachelor level | Graduate certificate / Diploma | Graduate Certificate Graduate Diploma |
UK | Master level | Master’s degree | 1st year or equivalent 2nd year or equivalent Gap year |
UK | Master level | MSc / MA / MRes | Full Course Part time year 1 Part time year 2 |
UK | Master level | Postgraduate certificate / Diploma | Postgraduate Certificate Postgraduate Diploma |
UK | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | PhD | 1st year or equivalent 2nd year or equivalent 3rd year or equivalent Gap year |
Germany 🇩🇪
Geography | Macro-list of study levels | Micro-list of study levels | School year in Germany (German) |
School year in Germany (English) |
DE | Secondary education level | Abitur | Abitur | Abitur |
DE | Secondary education level | Fachabitur | Fachabitur | Fachabitur |
DE | Secondary education level | Realschulabschluss | Realschulabschluss | Realschulabschluss |
DE | Secondary education level | Hauptschulabschluss | Hauptschulabschluss | Hauptschulabschluss |
DE | Under-bachelor level | Ausbildung | 1. Jahr 2. Jahr 3. Jahr |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
DE | Bachelor level | Bachelor | 1. Semester 2. Semester 3. Semester 4. Semester 5. Semester 6. Semester 7. Semester 8. Semester |
1st semester 2nd semester 3rd semester 4th semester 5th semester 6th semester 7th semester 8th semester |
DE | Bachelor level | Staatsexamen I | 1. Semester 2. Semester 3. Semester 4. Semester 5. Semester 6. Semester 7. Semester 8. Semester |
1st semester 2nd semester 3rd semester 4th semester 5th semester 6th semester 7th semester 8th semester |
DE | Master level | Master | 1. Semester 2. Semester 3. Semester 4. Semester |
1st semester 2nd semester 3rd semester 4th semester |
DE | Master level | Staatsexamen II | 1. Semester 2. Semester 3. Semester 4. Semester |
1st semester 2nd semester 3rd semester 4th semester |
DE | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Promotion | 1. Jahr 2. Jahr 3. Jahr 4. Jahr |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
DE | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Post-doc | 1. Jahr 2. Jahr 3. Jahr 4. Jahr |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
DE | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Habilitation | 1. Jahr 2. Jahr 3. Jahr 4. Jahr |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
Denmark 🇩🇰
Geography | Macro-list of study levels | Micro-list of study levels (English) |
School year in Denmark(English) |
Micro-list of study levels (Danish) |
School year in Denmark(Danish) |
DK | Secondary education level | Vocational education & training | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year |
Erhvervsuddannelse/eux |
1. år 2. år 3. år 4. år 5. år |
DK | Secondary education level | General upper secondary education | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
Gymnasialuddannelse | 1. år 2. år 3. år |
DK | Under-bachelor level | Professional academy degree | 1st year 2nd year |
Erhvervsakademiuddannelse | 1. år 2. år |
DK | Bachelor level | Professional bachelor | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
Professionsbachelor | 1. år 2. år 3. år 4. år |
DK | Bachelor level | Bachelor of engineering | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
Diplomingeniør | 1. år 2. år 3. år 4. år |
DK | Bachelor level | Bachelor | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
Bachelor | 1. år 2. år 3. år |
DK | Master level | Master | 1st year 2nd year |
Kandidat | 1. år 2. år |
DK | Master level | Industry master | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
Erhvervskandidat | 1. år 2. år 3. år 4. år |
DK | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | PhD | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
PhD | 1. år 2. år 3. år |
Spain 🇪🇸
Geography | Macro-list of study levels | Micro-list of study levels | School year in Spain (Spanish) |
School year in Spain (English) |
ES | Secondary education level | Bachillerato | 1° año 2° año |
1st year 2nd year |
ES | Under-bachelor level | Formación profesional (FP) - FP Básica | 1° año 2° año |
1st year 2nd year |
ES | Under-bachelor level | Formación profesional (FP) - Ciclos formativos de grado medio | 1° año 2° año |
1st year 2nd year |
ES | Under-bachelor level | Formación profesional (FP) - Ciclos formativos de grado superior | 1° año 2° año |
1st year 2nd year |
ES | Bachelor level | Grado | 1° Curso 2° Curso 3° Curso 4° Curso Año sabático |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year Gap year |
ES | Master level | Postgrado | 1° Curso 2° Curso Año sabático |
1st year 2nd year Gap year |
ES | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Doctorado | Full time - 1° año Full time - 2° año Full time - 3° año Part time - 1° año Part time - 2° año Part time - 3° año Part time - 4° año Part time - 5° año Año sabático |
Full time - 1st year Full time - 2nd year Full time - 3rd year Part time - 1st year Part time - 2nd year Part time - 3rd year Part time - 4th year Part time - 5th year Gap year |
Netherlands 🇳🇱
Geography | Macro-list of study levels | Micro-list of study levels | School year in Netherlands (Dutch) |
School year in Netherlands (English) |
NL | Secondary education level | Mbo | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar 4e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
NL | Secondary education level | Vmbo | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar 4e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
NL | Secondary education level | Vwo | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar 4e jaar 5e jaar 6e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year |
NL | Secondary education level | Havo | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar 4e jaar 5e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year |
NL | Secondary education level | Secundair onderwijs | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar 4e jaar 5e jaar 6e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year |
NL | Under-bachelor level | Hoger beroepsonderwijs | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaa 4e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
NL | Under-bachelor level | Graduaat/Associate degree | 1e jaar 2e jaar |
1st year 2nd year |
NL | Bachelor level | Universitaire bachelor / WO bachelor | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
NL | Bachelor level | Professionele bachelor / HBO bachelor | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar 4e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
NL | Master level | Master | Pre-master 1e jaar 2e jaar |
Pre-master 1st year 2nd year |
NL | Master level | HBO master | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
NL | Master level | WO master | 1e jaar 2e jaar |
1st year 2nd year |
NL | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | PhD / doctoraat | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar 4e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
NL | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Postdoctoraat | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
Italy 🇮🇹
Geography | Macro-list of study levels | Micro-list of study levels | School year in Italy (Italien) |
School year in Italy (English) |
IT | Secondary education level | Diploma di liceo (artistico, classico, delle scienze umane linguistico, musicale e coreutico, scientifico) | 4° ginnasio 5° ginnasio 1° liceo 2° liceo 3° liceo 4° liceo 5° liceo |
Quarta ginnasio Quinta ginnasio Prima liceo Seconda liceo Terza liceo Quarta liceo Quinta liceo |
IT | Secondary education level | Diploma di istituto tecnico | 1° anno 2° anno 3° anno 4° anno 5° anno |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year |
IT | Secondary education level | Diploma di istituto professionale | 1° anno 2° anno 3° anno 4° anno 5° anno |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year |
IT | Under-bachelor level | Istruzione e formazione tecnica superiore (IFTS) | IFTS | IFTS |
IT | Under-bachelor level | Istituti tecnologici superiori (ITS Academy) | 1° anno 2° anno |
1st year 2nd year |
IT | Bachelor level | Laurea triennale | 1° anno 2° anno 3° anno |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
IT | Master level | Laurea magistrale | 1° anno 2° anno 3° anno |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
IT | Master level | Laurea a ciclo unico | 1° anno 2° anno 3° anno 4° anno 5° anno |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year |
IT | Master level | Master universitario I livello | 1° anno 2° anno o superiore |
1st year 2nd year or above |
IT | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Dottorato di ricerca | 1° anno 2° anno 3° anno 4° anno 5° anno 6° anno |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year |
IT | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | PhD | 1° anno 2° anno 3° anno 4° anno 5° anno 6° anno |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year |
IT | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Master universitario II livello | 1° anno 2° anno o superiore |
1st year 2nd year or above |
Sweden 🇸🇪
Geography | Macro-list of study levels | Micro-list of study levels (en) |
School year in Sweden (English) |
Micro-list of study levels (Swedish) |
School year in Sweden (Swedish) |
SE | Secondary education level | Higher education preparatory diploma | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
Högskoleförberedande gymnasieexamen | År 1 År 2 År 3 |
SE | Secondary education level | Vocational education | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
Yrkesförberedande gymnasieexamen | År 1 År 2 År 3 |
SE | Secondary education level | Higher education diploma | 1st year 2nd year |
Högskoleexamen | År 1 År 2 |
SE | Secondary education level | Higher education diploma of Fine Art | 1st year 2nd year |
Konstnärlig högskoleexamen | År 1 År 2 |
SE | Under-bachelor level | Higher vocational education diploma | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
Yrkeshögskoleexamen | År 1 År 2 År 3 |
SE | Under-bachelor level | Advanced higher vocational education diploma | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
Kvalificerad yrkeshögskoleexamen | År 1 År 2 År 3 |
SE | Bachelor level | Bachelor | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
Kandidatexamen | År 1 År 2 År 3 |
SE | Bachelor level | Bachelor of Fine Arts | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
Konstnärlig kandidatexamen | År 1 År 2 År 3 |
SE | Bachelor level | Professional qualifications | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
Yrkesexamina | År 1 År 2 År 3 |
SE | Master level | Master (60 credits) | Master (60 credits) | Magisterexamen | Magisterexamen |
SE | Master level | Master of Fine Arts (60 credits) | Master of Fine Arts (60 credits) | Konstnärlig magisterexamen | Konstnärlig magisterexamen |
SE | Master level | Master (120 credits) | 1st year 2nd year |
Masterexamen | År 1 År 2 |
SE | Master level | Master of Fine Arts (120 credits) | 1st year 2nd year |
Konstnärlig masterexamen | År 1 År 2 |
SE | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Licentiate (Licentiatexamen) | 1st year 2nd year |
Licentiatexamen | År 1 År 2 |
SE | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Licentiate (Konstnärlig licentiatexamen) | 1st year 2nd year |
Konstnärlig licentiatexamen | År 1 År 2 |
SE | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Doctorate (Doktorsexamen) | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
Doktorsexamen | År 1 År 2 År 3 År 4 |
SE | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Doctorate (Konstnärlig doktorsexamen) | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
Konstnärlig doktorsexamen | År 1 År 2 År 3 År 4 |
Finland 🇫🇮
Geography | Macro-list of study levels | Micro-list of study levels (english) |
School year in Finland (English) |
Micro-list of study levels (Finnish) |
School year in Finland (Finnish) |
FI | Secondary education level | Matriculation examination | 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade |
Ylioppilastutkinto | 10. luokka 11. luokka 12. luokka |
FI | Secondary education level | Further vocational qualifications | 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade |
Ammatillinen peruskoulutus | 10. luokka 11. luokka 12. luokka |
FI | Secondary education level | Initial vocational qualifications | Initial vocational qualifications | Ammatillinnen lisäkoulutus | Ammattitutkinto |
FI | Under-bachelor level | Specialist vocation qualifications | Specialist vocation qualifications | Ammatillinen jatkokoulutus / erikoisammattitutkinto | Erikoisammattitutkinto |
FI | Bachelor level | Bachelor’s degrees | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
Kandidaatintutkinto | 1. vuosi 2. vuosi 3. vuosi 4. vuosi |
FI | Bachelor level | Bachelor’s degrees of applied sciences / Polytechnic Bachelor’s | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
Alempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto | 1. vuosi 2. vuosi 3. vuosi 4. vuosi |
FI | Master level | Master’s degrees | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
Maisterin tutkinto | 1. vuosi 2. vuosi 3. vuosi |
FI | Master level | Master’s degrees of applied sciences / Polytechnic Master’s | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
Ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto | 1. vuosi 2. vuosi 3. vuosi |
FI | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Doctorate degrees | 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year |
Tohtorintutkinto | 1. vuosi 2. vuosi 3. vuosi 4. vuosi 5. vuosi |
FI | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Licentiate degrees | Licentiate degrees | Lisensiaatintutkinto | Lisensiaatintutkinto |
Poland 🇵🇱
Geography | Macro-list of study levels | Micro-list of study levels | School year (Polish) | School year (English) |
PL | Secondary education level | Świadectwo dojrzałości / matura, dyplom szkoły policealnej (vocational studies) | 1 klasa 2 klasa 3 klasa 4 klasa Policealne studia zawodowe |
1 klasa 2 klasa 3 klasa 4 klasa Policealne studia zawodowe |
PL | Under-bachelor level | Dyplom szkoły średniej | 1 klasa 2 klasa 3 klasa 4 klasa 5 klasa |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th yera |
PL | Bachelor level | Licencjat (Licentiate) | 1 rok 2 rok 3 rok |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
PL | Bachelor level | Inżynier (Engineer) | 1 rok 2 rok 3 rok 4 rok |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
PL | Master level | Magister (Master) | 1 rok 2 rok |
1st year 2nd year |
PL | Master level | Magister inżynier (Master of engineering) | 1 rok 2 rok |
1st year 2nd year |
PL | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Doktor (PhD) | 1 rok 2 rok 3 rok 4 rok |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
PL | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Doktor habilitowany | Doktor habilitowany | Habilitation |
Portugal 🇵🇹
Geography | Macro-list of study levels | Micro-list of study levels | School year in Portugal (Portuguese) |
School year in Portugal (English) |
P | Secondary education level | Ensino secundário | 10º Ano 11º Ano 12º Ano |
10º Ano 11º Ano 12º Ano |
P | Post-secondary education-non-higher education (Under-bachelor level) | Qualificação profissional | 1º Ano | 1st year |
P | Under-bachelor level | Curso Técnico Superior Profissional | 1º Ano 2º Ano |
1st year 2nd year |
P | Bachelor level | Licenciatura Ensino Politécnico | 1º Ano 2º Ano 3º Ano |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
P | Bachelor level | Licenciatura Ensino Universitário | 1º Ano 2º Ano 3º Ano |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
P | Master level | Mestrado Ensino Politécnico | 1º Ano 2º Ano |
1st year 2nd year |
P | Master level | Mestrado Ensino Universitário | 1º Ano 2º Ano |
1st year 2nd year |
P | Master level | Mestrado Integrado Ensino Universitário | 1º Ano 2º Ano 3º Ano 4º Ano 5º Ano |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year |
P | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Doutorado | 1º Ano 2º Ano 3º Ano |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
Belgium (Wallonie) 🇧🇪
Geography | Macro-list of study levels | Micro-list of study levels | School year (French) | School year (English) |
BE | Secondary education level | ASO (enseignement général) | 1ère année 2ème année 3ème année 4ème année 5ème année 6ème année |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year |
BE | Secondary education level | TSO (enseignement secondaire technique) | 1ère année 2ème année 3ème année 4ème année 5ème année 6ème année |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year |
BE | Secondary education level | BSO (enseignement professionnel) | 1ère année 2ème année 3ème année 4ème année 5ème année 6ème année |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year |
BE | Secondary education level | KSO (enseignement artistique) | 1ère année 2ème année 3ème année 4ème année 5ème année 6ème année |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year |
BE | Under-bachelor level | Associate degree (tertiary vocational studies) | 1ère année 2ème année 3ème année |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
BE | Bachelor level | Bachelier / Bachelor | 1ère année 2ème année 3ème année |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
BE | Bachelor level | Licence professionnelle | 1ère année 2ème année 3ème année |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
BE | Master level | Master | 1ère année 2ème année |
1st year 2nd year |
BE | Master level | Master spécialisé | Master spécialisé | Specialized master |
BE | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | Doctorat | 1ère année 2ème année 3ème année 4ème année |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |
Belgium (Flanders) 🇧🇪
Geography | Macro-list of study levels | Micro-list of study levels | School year in Belgium Flanders (Dutch) |
School year in Belgium Flanders (English) |
BE | Secondary education level | ASO (algemeen onderwijs) | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar 4e jaar 5e jaar 6e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year |
BE | Secondary education level | TSO (technisch onderwijs) | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar 4e jaar 5e jaar 6e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year |
BE | Secondary education level | BSO (beroepsonderwijs) | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar 4e jaar 5e jaar 6e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year |
BE | Secondary education level | KSO (kunstonderwijs) | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar 4e jaar 5e jaar 6e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year |
BE | Under-bachelor level | Graduaatsopleiding / Associate degree (tertiary vocational studies) | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
BE | Bachelor level | Academische bachelor | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
BE | Bachelor level | Professionele bachelor | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year |
BE | Master level | Master | 1e jaar 2e jaar |
1st year 2nd year |
BE | Doctorate & post-doctorate level | PhD/Doctoraat & postdoctoraat | 1e jaar 2e jaar 3e jaar 4e jaar |
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year |