The goal of our new pre-registration feature is to make the enrollment and the discovery of the Career Center more easier for your students.
Use this feature enable you to increase significantly the number of enrollment by sending a pre-registration mail campaign to your students.
Only the Super-administrator of your school can use this feature. If you want set up this feature do not hesitate to contact your JobTeaser contact.
To launch a pre-registration campaign, you have to go on the "Users" module:
Then, click on the “+ Invite students” button:
You can set up your pre-registration campaign and take all benefits from it by following theses four steps:
1) Prepare the students list
This step enable you to target a group of students that you want to reach precisely.
You have to upload a CSV-file in the Career Center. This CSV-file includes the datas about your students target.
For each student, this file must contain three informations:
- the first name
- the lastname
- the email adress
Three headers must be present for each column: “firstname”, “lastname”, “email”. Here is an example:
Make sure that each of theses informations are in the CSV-file for each student, otherwise it will not be taken into account.
To upload your file, you can slide it into the shaded area or click on the “Import list” button.
Once the file has been imported, the total number of contacts appears. The students already registered or present in an other campaign are excluded from the account and are not targeted.
NB :
- This file has to be a CSV, all other formats are not supported
- The file must contain a maximum of 15,000 lines
- You can visualize or delete this CSV-file and upload an other file.
- As part of RGPD compliance, data is automatically deleted one month after the last email of the pre-registration campaign has been sent.
2) Set up the campaign
The set up continue in the Set up section, just below the file upload.
Give a name to your invitation:
Managing different email campaigns over the year requires to differentiate them.
You can give a name to this pre-registration campaign, it will be visible in the back office only. You have to go on “Pre-registration list name” and tape the name you have chosen :
- The name do not modify the content of the emails.
- To find your way around your different campaigns you can add the date in addition to the name.
Select one language:
Your students may speak different languages, so select the language in which you would like to send pre-registration emails.
The chosen language modify the content of the mail.
NB: languages currently available are English, French and German, Catalan, Spanish. More languages will follow.
Set up the date:
You can send your campaign on the date you consider most appropriate for your students.
Choose the day you want to send your email by clicking on "Select a date", and a small calendar will appear.
The e-mail will be sent at midday on the selected day. Two reminders will be sent to your students, successively on D+3 and D+7 (working days).
- You can decide when the first e-mail is sent, and the dates on which the follow-up e-mails are sent are defined automatically based on our performance analyses.
- Emails are sent at the earliest the day after your schedule.
- If your school has several campuses, the time zone is that of your school's super-administrator.
- Emails are sent on weekdays to ensure maximum open rates. The same applies to follow-up e-mails.
- The campaign can be planned up to three months in advance.
Add your signature:
Add your signature to emails enable you to be clearly identified by your students.
You can define your signature in the "Email signature" field:
NB: Your signature can not exceed 100 characters.
Receive an email test:
You have the option of receiving a test email to preview the email that students receive.
Click on the "Send me sample emails" link below your signature.
A notification will confirm that the emails have been sent.
You will then receive the main email, as well as the two reminder emails in your mailbox.
See the summary:
Before validating your pre-registration campaign, you can check that you have not made any mistakes.
On the summary page you will find all the information you have previously entered. If you notice a mistake, you can correct it by clicking on the "modify" button in the top right-hand corner, which will take you back to the previous page.
When all the information are correct, click on "Validate" in the bottom right-hand corner. Your campaign will then be validated and ready to be sent on the indicated dates.
You will then be redirected to the pre-registration lists page.
3) Sending to the students
All set! The emails will be sent out on the predefined dates, at midday.
Students will first receive an e-mail encouraging them to pre-register:
Each e-mail is personalized with the information you have entered with the pre-registration function.
They will then receive two follow-up e-mails:
First follow-up e-mail
Second follow-up e-mail
NB: Apart from the information provided by Career Services, it is not possible to modify the content of the email as it must comply with the RGPD. Indeed, these three emails are transactional emails aimed at student registration, and cannot be used for any other purpose. It should also be noted that in this context the emails do not have unsubscribe links.
Pre-registration is now launched to your students, don't forget to monitor its impact!
4) Monitor the impact
To evaluate the effect of your campaign, return to the "Pre-registration list". This page will display all the email campaigns you've launched, along with several key figures.
First of all, you can filter your campaigns according to their status:
- In progress: at least one e-mail still to be sent.
- Planned: no mail has yet been sent.
- Completed: all e-mails have been sent.
You will find the list name, language and date of sending for each campaign.
You can also track the real impact of the pre-registration feature by comparing the number of pre-registrants (the number of contacts in the campaign minus those already registered and those in other campaigns) with the final number of registrants.
- Pre-registered is the number of students that have been reached through the campaign
- Enroled is the amount of students that completed the whole registration process