There are many reasons why a job is visible to one student and not to another:
- Search criteria
The jobs displayed to students on the Career Center match the research criteria that have been defined by the student (job category, sector, type of contract, location, languages). In this case, the student needs to modify their search criteria in order to see different content.
- Language
Sometimes a student is unable to see jobs in a specific language because they didn't select the respective language in their search criteria. They can modify these criteria at anytime from the dashboard or the jobs module.
- Courses
Each student is assigned to a specific course. The course field is mandatory. Sometimes, jobs are targeted to specific courses, which limits their visibility to students.
This is more likely to be the case with a student alumni case, given that your alumni are using the platform. Jobs with a higher level experience will usually be targeted to this course.
You can send them this article, so they can adjust their course, if necessary.