The QR code feature will allow you to track the attendance of students and get valuable insights about your attendees. But how does it work?
The QR code feature will automatically be activated for all events with registration on JobTeaser. Each event has an unique QR code. If it's activated, you can find the following design on the back office of your event:
The attendance statistics are new and update regularly. To see the latest numbers, you must refresh your page. Below, you find a manual that explains how to use the QR code feature correctly. By clicking on "Go to the attendance sheet" you are automatically sent to the attendance sheet where you get further insights about your attendees. The attendance sheet can also be accessed from the "Registered users" page.
All users that registered for an event will automatically be part of the attendance sheet. Their status will remain absent till the CS admin or the student changed his attendance status by simply checking the tick box.
The CS admin can take three main actions on this page.
1) Add participant: By clicking on "Add participant" a modal will open that allows the CS admin to add users to the attendance sheet.
The user can look by last name, first name or email address. If the student does not have a JT-account the CS admin can manually add the student to the list. Therefore the CS admin clicks on "Add them manually".
2) Export attendance sheet: By clicking on "Export attendance sheet" the CS admin can export all results via direct download in CSV format. The export is always in English. It includes the first and last name, the email address, if the user has a JobTeaser account and the attendance status of the user.
3) Display QR code: By clicking on "Display QR code" a modal opens. Here, the user can either scan the QR code with his phone or download the QR code. The QR code is in .png format and can be printed or added to your presentation. Make sure that the QR code is visible and easily accessible to your students so that as many students as possible scan the code.
But what does the feature look like from the front office perspective? The first screen will request the student's email address.
If the student's email address isn't part of your CS database, the student can add his first and last name manually as well as his email address. His presence status will then change to present in the back office of your CS.
The last screen is a confirmation screen that redirects the user to the event detail page in the front office.