The dashboards of this theme are meant to help you make the most of your data to build and maintain best in class company partnerships. You can use these dashboards in case you need the following insights: → How do the job ads, events and employer branding contents posted by my company partners perform? → Are the job ads, events and other employer branding contents posted by my company partners reaching the right audience? → Which non-partner companies have the biggest audience in my Career Center and could become future partners of my institution? |
1. Forge new partnerships
The goal of this tab is to help you identify companies that could become partners of your institution because the contents they publish on your Career Center generate a lot of interactions from your students.
The first section of the dashboard shows the global volume of application clicks from your students to non-partner companies, and how they are broken down by publication source of the job ad (published on your CC only vs. published through the JobTeaser network)
The right table below provides the list of non-partner companies with which your students interact the most: by default, this table is ordered by number of apply clicks over the chosen period, in descending order. Number of job ads and number of apply clicks par job ad are also provided.
The table on the left provides the same information for partner companies, for comparison.
The last section of the dashboard provides insights about the audience of non-partner companies, and in particular the following information: programs, campuses, graduation years and study levels they belong to.
This view can be filtered on a specific non-partner company (or set of non-partner companies) either by using the company name filter, or by clicking the company name (or a selection of several company names) in the right table above.
2. Assess the performance of your company partners
The goal of this tab is to serve as a support when meeting with your partner companies, to help you report on the performance of your partner on the Career Center.
First, select one of your company partners in the filter.
The first view shows the repartition of posted job ads in your career center by creation source. This helps you identify how your partner is posting job ads:
- JobTeaser network job ads: job ads that are posted by your partner through JobTeaser’s network of clients
- Manual: job ads that are posted by a CC admin of your institution on behalf of the company partner
- Company: job ads that are posted by companies linked to your CC or by recruiters using the job posting form of your CC
The view below shows the performance funnel of your partner’s job ads. Each step provides both the count and the conversion rate of the involved metric:
- job ad displays: how many times your partner’s job ads were displayed to students
- job ad views: how many times students viewed a job ad page of your company partner
- job ad apply clicks: how many times students clicked on the
button of your partner’s job ads
The following view enables you to drill down each of these 3 KPIs (job ad displays, job ad views and job ad apply clicks) by job ad dimension: function, contract type, language. You can also choose to only display apply clicks by unticking the “Show secondary KPIs” toggle.
The following section provides, similarly to the “Forge new partnerships” section, a picture of the audience of your company partner, with a breakdown by program, year of graduation, campus and study level.
In the last section of the tab, a table provides the list of the best performing job ads of your company partner. The performance criteria can be chosen among job ad display, job ad view and job ad apply click. The list can be extended up to 100 job ads.