All issues or specific questions you might face regarding the modules
Student: I can no longer register for an event?
What e-mails do students and administrators receive regarding an event?
QR Code Feature: How to Track Student Attendance During an Event
Students: I receive an error 403 when trying to join an event via the link sent by my university
Ghost Waitlist - I can't access the waitlist of my event
Student: I can no longer register for an event?
How to enable the Job Alert?
Student: The content available on my Career Centre is not the same as my classmates
Recruiter: How do I post a job?
Student: the jobs I have applied for are no longer displayed.
Recruiters: Where are the job applications?
Company: How do I increase the number of job applications?
Recruiter: When will my job be archived?
Student: I cannot see/apply to a job?
I have a number of applicants greater than the number of views on a job ad
Student: How to modify/remove my application?
I can't find a private offer on my Back Office
I cannot find a private job on my Front Office (Student view)
How to enable the Job Alert?
Company: What are the circumstances under which the Career Center sends out notifications?
Company: What is the difference between Company Profiles and Recruiter Accounts?
Company: How to switch from a recruiter account to a company account?
What is the difference between a one-page company profile and a full company profile?
Company: What are the benefits of having a Recruiter account?
How to deal with company page duplicates ?
Company: What are the circumstances under which the Career Center sends out notifications?
Automated Newsletter
Talent Banks
Going further