Managing the Career Center and product updates
Starting on the Career Center and becoming an expert: resources and best practices
About JobTeaser
A Brand-new Career Center is being released!
Register to our online Group Training Sessions & Access previous recordings
Open Desk Sessions - what is it?
Career Guidance Summit 2023 - Access our sessions' content
A new design for your back-office! 🎉
AI powered CV Checker
New student dashboard 🎉
How can I use Spotlight to promote my Career Service towards students?
GDPR Compliance at JobTeaser
Communication pack - Academic Year 2024-2025
Communication Supports & Other Resources
Incident Follow-up and contact
A Brand-new Career Center is being released!
Launching the Career Center
How to properly present JobTeaser to your students?
Beginners Guide to JobTeaser
Career Center launching Checklist
Integrating private content
Setting up my Career Center
A guide to adding a new language to your Career Center
Making your Career Center easily accessible
Communicating with companies
Communicating with students
Choosing the technical integration (How students will access the Career Center)
SSO Integration - CAS - Technical documentation
How to manage the Courses for your students?
Mass Import of Students Course to their profile
How to properly present JobTeaser to your students?
Going further
End of the Year Best Practices & Cleaning of your Career Center
A new version of the "Advice" module
Track the performance of your Career Center and implement action plans
ALUMNI: Engage and Support your Alumni with the Career Center!
TOP 4: Error messages on your Career Center
4 hot topics for a successful new academic year
Which browser should I use to use the Career Center?
How to improve your email delivery?
Use tests
What are the effects of having linked Career Centers
End of the Year Best Practices & Cleaning of your Career Center